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Old 05-06-2024, 04:31 AM
motherflippinpicker motherflippinpicker is offline
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Originally Posted by Jim1mack View Post
I like probably many others have been informed that your current policy will not be renewed.
The Villages Insurance is whom we went to to get our current policy on the home we bought new ten years ago. They have come up with one or two suggestions with whom we could use for a new policy. One is over $1k above our current policy, which they recommend, and the other has about the same premium.

Question: if you have had your policy discontinued, with what insurance company did you end up going with?
Hi. We were looking at buying a preexisting home in TV and this agency had the best insurance quotes.

If you send her an email, she will be able to quote you. After reading these kinds of posts, we've decided to buy new construction. The insurance market should right itself soon since several new companies have entered the FL market. There's a new company called Slide and they had very low rates; however, no track record on handling claims. Good luck in your search.