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Old 05-07-2024, 05:46 PM
Gatorfan1 Gatorfan1 is offline
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Default UM in Florida does not cover Property Damage to your auto.

Originally Posted by mikemalloy View Post
OK remind me of the difference between Physical damage and bodily injury. Somewhere during my 40 years of practicing personal injruy defense, they seemed to me to be the same.
And just so it's clear, when someone is neglgent and causes and injury to you, you are entitled to recover damages which are normaly medical bills, last wages and pain and suffering. Most of us are not working so last wages is not an issue. For the most part we have medical coverage. However if, you're painfully injured, and have to spend weeks or months in rehab or just mending, you're entitled to be paid for that. Often the award is in the tens or hundereds of thousands. (Ask Dan Newland) If the other driver is uninsured,
would recover little if anyting from him since most don't have much to recover from. With UM/UIN your own insurance company steps in and provides the other driver with insurance you can collect from.
All of the post here from individuals who really know insurance and personal injury recommend it. I do too.
Property damage to your auto is covered under comprehensive or collision if the other party does not have insurance or if they do not have sufficient limits to pay for the damage.