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Old 05-08-2024, 09:30 AM
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DrMack DrMack is offline
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Default Misconception

There seems to be MANY who are confused about who pays for what in Florida. News flash, the county pays for everything concerning your roads, not the mystical developer. Sumter county paid 50 million to the developer for Southern Oaks roads and the upgraded bridge. The developer initially paid for the construction, but then was paid back. There was minimal reimbursement from some state taxes. It was the main reason 3 commissioners lost elections a couple of years back.

I do hope for more bridges because we own in Dabney. Lake county hasn’t been clear on what’s going on but has to abide by the Sunshine law concerning public roads. Nothing has been released, so nothing has been determined about golf cart paths. I doubt our commissioners want a repeat of prison time like Sumter commissioners had.

If someone’s says they are putting a golf cart accessible bridge or not placing a golf cart accessible bridge in, they live off of conjecture. Zero announcements have been made on the subject. By law nothing can be done in secrecy.
I can’t golf, but I can sail

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Last edited by DrMack; 05-08-2024 at 11:08 AM.