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Old 11-12-2009, 08:30 PM
bimmertl bimmertl is offline
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Originally Posted by TomW View Post
I just have to ask this question because I think I may be missing something: I have medical expense insurance through my employment that covers me and my wife for injury, illness, etc., from any cause. Why would I pay for the same coverage through an auto or a golf cart policy? I don't understand the rationale of trying to guess how and in what circumstance I might be injured or become ill. A good general policy should cover everything I believe. When I was injured in an auto accident a few years back, they certainly inquired if I had medical expense insurance through my auto policy. When I said no and they verified the information, my employer medical expense policy readily paid everything. It is irrational to me to buy two insurance policies to cover the same thing when only one will ever pay.
You raise an excellent point. In actuality, the only reason to purchase the medical insurance for people in the golf cart would be primarily for the benefit of any passengers who happened to be injured during the use of the cart. Considering the variety of people who could be in the cart, (kids, uninsured friends etc.) it's some minimal coverage (usually $5,000)for a nominal yearly amount that would cover the majority of minor injuries regardless of fault.

Having said that, ask yourself, why everybody in the state of Florida is required to purchase $10,000 of medical coverage on their auto policy for an antiquated alleged "no fault" insurance plan?