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Old 01-08-2010, 02:15 PM
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Default CIA, Satellites and Polar Bears

This would be funny if it wasn't so bizarrely obscene and tragic. It appears the CIA has diverted some resources from the war on terror to give "science" some classified "spy" satellites tracking data on polar bears and sea lions with the apparent blessing of the Obama administration. Actually, on the record they want to use the CIA to track ice melt and "to assess the hidden complexities of environmental change" New York Times. I guess Obama is hoping for some data that will justify the "Cap and Tax" swindle the president and the Democrats are plotting as we speak.

The source for this "cute" story is none other than the New York Times. Of course they played down the assets diverted from the war on terror but did acknowledge a "small CIA unit" dedicated to this important work. Guess who's brainchild this was according to the New York Slimes. None other than Al Gore and Diane Feinstein in 2008 when she was a member of Senate Intelligence Committee. Maybe someone who was diverted to staff the Polar Bear Squad, would have been the one to close down the Nigerian before he got on the plane to Detroit.

Why in the world, given the life threatening attacks on Americans and on our homeland are we diverting even the slightest assets tracking polar bears for global warming scientists who are absolutely giddy with the prospect of access to intelligence data in concert with the CIA. They are jumping up and down doing high fives like little kids who just got a snow day. A lot of American blood will flow from terrorists attacks before the ice melts and The Villages become beachfront property.