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Old 01-18-2010, 02:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Lynne Bigelow View Post
I was up to 250lbs a couple of years ago and entered a physician supervised weight loss program called Optifast. I lost 70 lbs. The program was not only weight loss supervision, but also group sessions that addressed the relationship we have with food. I learned a GREAT deal! We don't "GO" on a diet to lose weight. If we do, we will fail. If you change your entire lifestyle and your relationship with food, you will succeed. Anything fried is dangerous to your health. Don't eat it on a regular basis. You can live a quality life without butter and mayo. Salad dressings should never come in a bottle! Make your own from scratch; it takes no time at all. Eat 5 small meals per day. Indulge in fruit. Leave the bread alone. Make it a treat instead of a staple. EXERCISE IS DEFINITELY THE KEY. Build core strength and watch most of those aches and pains go away. I feel more alive now than I did when I was 40! Believe me, it works when you change your lifestyle and cooking habits. (Oops! I said the "C" word! Sorry.) I'm working on losing an additional 20 lbs by June when we come back to TV. I will be very happy to be diet buddies by long distance from Texas if you will have me.
Sounds like you are doing well and doing it wisely. Good for you!