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Old 02-12-2010, 09:09 AM
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Default Those little fungi are there, almost everywhere.

Originally Posted by Barefoot View Post
Thanks BK for the tip about the iodine. I've also been told to soak my fingers in listerine and also in vinegar. I also put drops on each night, probably the iodine product.

I definitely should have been more careful about the salon I used. But it is an extremely popular place here in TV and I guess I'm naive.

I have two nails that are very discoloured from the fungus. Of course the rest are tissue-paper thin from having had solar nails.

I'm wondering .. does anyone know how long it takes to fix fungus?
Hey Bare.

It is very possible that the fungus was just hanging out waiting to reproduce itself in a warm dark place with little oxygen. We all have all kinds of little living things sitting on our skin at all times. Usually a nail fungus requires an oral antifungal. The only down side is that you cannot drink alcohol when you take it.

Type in Oral antifungal for nail fungus.

I think this happens to a lot of people and the cleanliness of the salon is maybe not the reason...but I could be wrong.