Thread: Petition
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Old 04-07-2010, 12:28 PM
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Originally Posted by chachacha View Post
the petition is on file with 175 signatures and bigfox was advised at the meeting last year that they had just completed a six month study on the issue and had decided against it. however, the issue can be brought up again
after one year, which will be july. perhaps if we all contacted our local board members from VCCDD or miss janet tutt, the director, we could revive the discussion. the survey ended on march 31 and i addressed this inequity on my survey but don't know how many others did. nothing will change unless we make a concerted effort.
As I said in the begining of the post the petition is asking for a special guest pass that is linked to the owners pass I don't see this as a problem.

Also I would think that if the rules have changed since people bought and accepted the restrictions, it would constitute a discrimitory practice that amends the rights of use and value of property without the permission of the minority group (singles).

I am not a lawyer but IMHO this should be acctionable. Am I wrong?
It is hard enough on a person when their spouse passes so now the rules make them feel like an outsider and exclude them from the fun.

Another question, everyone keeps saying resident,I don't think that is the correct term, allot of those in the villages are not residents. They are snowbirds. It is my understanding that many have purchased long before retirement and only come down occasionally they are not FLA residents.

Sorry if I seem miffed but any group having their rights to enjoyment and same value use of facilities being denied because they are a little different makes me burn. " The pursuit of happiness" its in the constitution remember.