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Old 04-12-2010, 10:13 PM
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cappyjon431 cappyjon431 is offline
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I appreciate everyone's feedback. Most of what I have heard here confirms what I have heard from other sources (top-notch facilities, good kids, and high test scores). I recently received my Florida teaching certificate because apparently teaching college English alone doesn't qualify me to teach high school in the state of Florida.

Tony (or should I write "tony" as your screen name suggests?), it is nice to see a fan of lowly English majors like myself. Yes, I was an English major as an undergrad and I also earned my MA in English literature and I have almost completed my PhD in composition studies. I guess that qualifies me as a true English nerd. For the record, I worked for over ten years as a merchant mariner (hence "cappyjon") so I can cuss with the best of them and I am very comfortable switching between my English teacher persona (another one of those fancy schmancy English terms) and my cussin' and brawlin sailor persona. I guess that makes me a well rounded person.

My wife is currently in TV now, looking for a future home for us. Hopefully, if al goes well, we'll be moving to TV this summer.
Captain Jon

"Growing older but not up." J. Buffett

Coral Gables, FL, Bahamas, Belize, Wilmington, NC, Bocas del Toro, Panama and finally The Villages