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Old 06-02-2010, 04:11 PM
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Originally Posted by memosmom View Post
Time to add two more to the Cincinnati Train. School is out on Friday and we are leaving at noon. We will close on our a Pre-owned home in Caroline on Monday. We've been checking out TV for over 5 years, and reading all the terrific information on TOTV since I found the site in January. In fact, we came down and bought a piece sand on Triggerfish Run last March, but it didn't seem just right. Saw this preowned on my daily Village check in and had to have it! We have one more year to work, but couldn't wait any longer.

Thank you all for your informative dialogue. I've been glued to my computer learning and "listening" to your chatter about Paridise. Count us in and wish us luck owning from a distance.

It's not the way we planned it, but since I've read some sad tales about getting rid of the home up north, I really can't compalin. We put our house on the mark to test the waters and sold in 2 days. Teaching school by day and packing up at night made for a difficult 6 weeks, but we moved into a high rise in Mt Adams and we are having a ball "living on the hill."

Thanks again for the support and all the inside information!
See you on Saturday

PS Where is the spell check?
OMIGOSH. Congratulations Memosmom!!! Another Cincinnatian heading toward Paradise. Whoever is last to leave, turn the lights off.

We are having things made spiffy to put our home on the market soon. AND as soon as this mess is cleaned up from the workers and painters, Memosmom and Salybow and Gigene and Kathy and Boomer will be invited to come to West Chester to our house for lunch.

Anyone else hiding out there from Ohio making plans? You are invited too!