Thread: Got an iPad....
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Old 07-02-2010, 08:12 AM
Ohiogirl Ohiogirl is offline
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Appears some of you might benefit by listening to a podcast I heard this past Wedesday on our local NPR programming - All Sides with Ann Fisher interviewed a William Powers, on Living in The Digital Age. Much to Consider. You can find a link to a podcast on under Ann's show. He discussed how he and his family now have wireless weekends, how hard it was to do so, and how much their quality of life has increased.

There was another author on a couple of weeks ago discussing how attention spans have gone haywire in the last few years because we are not trained to click all over the place. I have noticed personally that I can't seem to concentrate on reading books for long periods, even though I now have the time! I love to read, but find myself lasting about 20 minutes, then want to check my email, change the channel, etc.

Some technology is a good thing, but maybe we have too much?

This may start a firestorm, but I don't think I've seen any posts on this subject . . .