Thread: Girl Talk
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Old 07-30-2010, 10:36 AM
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Hi Pturner-Have you tried bioidentical hormones? I turned 50 in December and balooned with my weight. Put 20 pounds on overnight!!! After watching the Dr. Phil show and listening to Robin about bioidentical hormones, I decided to find a doctor that specializes in them. I was having terrible night sweats, was exhausted (from not sleeping at night) and starting to feel depressed about the entire situation. She prescribed progesterone (in a cream form) with a touch of testorone. I have lost 5 pounds and my outlook on life is definitely moving in the right direction. Good luck and let me know if this works for you.
Hi Lisa, I'm leary of taking hormones, and not sure it would be right for me, anyway. I got night sweats for 2 or 3 nights several years ago, then never again. Knock on wood, I don't have either those or the "personal summers". Been paid back in spades though with the dead metabolism, feeling tired often and forgetfulness.

Got thyroid checked earlier this year after having some dizzyness, blackouts and vertigo. Sure enough, thyroid was barely functioning. Since taking synthroid, those symptoms are gone. Also, no longer gaining weight, but can't take off the weight gained even with eating less/more healthy and exercize.

Plan to try low-glycemic approach. In addition to Freeda, anyone had success with it???