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Old 08-05-2010, 07:11 PM
Posts: n/a
Default As pointed out by Glenn Beck today why do we need another

bill? Another $26 Billion?
When there is still $421 billion left from the gotta have it now $787 billion a year ago?

They are fettering their nest eggs now before the elections and keeping what they have not spent to have when it won't be so easy to get after November 2010.

As was said very appropriately by one of the candidates running for congress in TN "...we can't get rid of Obama this election but we can take his check book away..."

Tell me again what jobs were being "saved"? School teachers? Firemen? Police?
Certainly not based on the headlines coming from most metropolitan areas.
The saved jobs statement is a joke. The big dollars being requested to save
jobs in the preceding three professions is short of criminal. Why isn't some of the $421 billion still unspent/un-commited being used to shore up these professions? And why isn't it?
