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Old 01-23-2011, 10:46 AM
Jane52 Jane52 is offline
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Default A donation is voluntary

1. If you don't like the project, do not donate your money to it. (I sure wish we could take that approach with the IRS.)

2. I'm sure the Orlando Sentinel buys ink by the barrel, literally.

3. I think it is "misrepresentation" on Anderson/Bouissenault's part to portray themselves in the full-page ads as:

a) An old-time, friendly GP carrying a doctor's valise as though he were making house calls and would settle for $2 or freshly butchered chicken as compensation for coming to your house so you could stay in the bed. A picture speaks a thousand words, and that one spoke volumes.

b) As a "cancer institute", with "institute" giving the impression that all phases of cancer care are provided there, when in reality it does only ONE phase, oncology radiation treatment. They give the impression that this is a the only place one would need to go for overall cancer treatment when in fact, radiation treatment is not even appropriate for many cancer patients, and for many, it is the LAST step of the process.

All of the above makes me welcome Moffitt more and I will donate or not donate after seeking out the facts.

Everything is political. That's what this is. I just wish objectors would be as critical and investigative with Washington and state bureaus and how they squander our tax dollars they confiscate from us having NO say as to how it's used.