Thread: Moffitt Mania
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Old 01-27-2011, 05:29 PM
Taj44 Taj44 is offline
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There's obviously something in this for Morse, or he wouldn't be "partnering" with the facility. The fact that he is using the Daily Sun as a means of "selling" the facility is annoying enough, but pulling on the emotional heartstrings of good hearted Villagers to get them to donate is distasteful to me. The Morse media machine is basically duping or trying to dupe the residents here by saying things like "when the Moffitt center opens in the Fall, the residents won't have to settle for second-rate or third-rate care". That just isn't true. We already have a good facility here, and in Leesburg. The new center is basically duplication. As Russ Boston pointed out, anyone who would like to make a donation is certainly welcome to. I just can't understand why people would want to donate the millions of dollars for the equipment, when as the Orlando Sentinel pointed out, the new facility will be able to recoup that money with a couple of years given that radiation centers like this are highly lucrative. It is laudable of residents to donate to non-profit causes, but in my opinion, there are many others that might be better candidates than this one.