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Old 02-01-2011, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by djplong View Post
Do you really think that the extremist minority in Egypt is going to take over when the very middle class that is marching in the streets is ALSO chanting that they don't want to be another Iran?

This isn't 1978. There is no Ayatollah coming back from exile. There *is* a educated moderate coming back in El Baradei.

It's hardly naivete. It's looking at ALL the players in Egypt.
Gee, it looks like Iran's leadership, notably it's foreign ministry, also believes that the uprising in Egypt will lead to an Islamic Republic. How about that?

It also appears that Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel and, I would argue, someone with their ear to the ground of the Egyptian situation, also is in fear of the coming an Islamic takeover of Egypt. Son of a gun!!