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Old 02-03-2011, 11:24 PM
Posts: n/a

Other factors including steady population growth the annual acceptance of at least a million legal immigrants, many of whom are highly educated and skilled, push up unemployment even more. And there is no magic wand to make American manufacturers suddenly able to find anxious customers for their better, competitively priced products.

If you were President you too would like nothing better than see unemployment disappear. Simple math would tell you the most cost-effective way to create jobs would be to divert expenditures from the the war effort to rebuilding the country's infrastructure. Other cuts can be made elsewhere, but they are small potatoes compared to the costs required to rebuild. We cannot continue to fear those "straw men": the deficit and 'pork'. Somebody's bridges, roads and power plants have to be rebuilt, be they in New Jersey or Nevada. Making reconstruction a national priority will put dollars in the pockets of millions not presently working. Just like unproductive unemployment benefit dollars, productive work dollars will go right back into the economy. But what is rebuilt with work dollars will make us even more productive, and in some areas, able to attract new world customers for our technology and our products.

Government intervention has blunted the severe recession. Now is not the time to stop spending money and make our priorities reducing the deficit and failing to fix things which need fixing just because they are found in the district represented by a member of the opposition.

I know some of you absolutely hate that new buzzword: "Invest". But that's what we have to do.