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Old 02-09-2011, 08:01 PM
Boomer Boomer is offline
Soaring Parsley
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Default Where does your iPad live when it is not out?

Hi Girls,

I have not known my iPad long so we have not quite bonded, but I am working on it. I know that some of my emails sent on my iPad look like I am trying to write them in stanzas -- just like poems -- poems that do not rhyme.

When I look in the "Sent" mail, there they are, tormenting me, in stanza form. They did not look like that when I sent them. Oh well. I am not here to whine about poem-impersonating emails......although....oh my! Recipients of my iPad generated emails that arrive in stanza-form, looking like really dumb poems, could suspect that I might be an English major -- and a bad one at that.....but I digress....I am really here to give you iPad girls a shopping tip.

Every now and then, I give a shopping tip here in Girl Talk. I do not like to shop so when you get a shopping tip from me, you can bet that I am serious about it.

There was that shopping tip back in 2009 on page 148 where I went on and on about the wonders of Coldwater Creek's knit denim jeans. Now, I own 4 pairs of those jeans, including the ones I was writing about all those months ago. And they are still doing what they said they would do, after several million washings even.

Recently there was the Paula Dorf Special Camouflage to de-pink your nose and cheeks when needed. That stuff I have been clinging to for two years. Tones me right down where I need it.

And tonight, as if I have not gone on and on enough, I now must go on and on about the perfect little home I found for my iPad. My iPad has the case that can be adjusted at 3 different levels. It is a sturdy case, but sometimes my iPad needs a place to live when not in use -- other than blended in with a stack of books. Or maybe it wants to go along in the car with me so I can play around on it and be distracted from giving Mr. Boomer helpful driving tips. (Do you think that could be why he bought that thing for me?)

So anyway, I felt like I needed something besides just the case for my iPad. Something to tote the thing around in sturdiness. And quite by accident, I found it. A Lands' End tote.

I know you might be out there rolling your eyes and looking at your sophisticated briefcases and thinking, "Geez! Boomer, get a grip and a life. You are all excited about a Lands' End tote?!"

Well......yes I am. Not only is this a tote. It is a zip-top tote and it perfectly fits the iPad in its case and holds its charger, too.

I love totes. I have a few old totes around that are from the days of being employed, when I sometimes went to conferences where vendors would lure me to their booths and give me totes, emblazoned with the names of whatever they wanted to sell me. (Well, sometimes they just gave me plastic bags or donuts.) Those free totes were not really good matter what the cost of whatever they were selling, but I liked them anyway

But Lands' End has the best totes ever. And the one I am linking for you here is the small one. That zip-top is great and helps you to swaddle that precious iPad so it does not fall out.

I bought the black one because I am boring and also because I spill stuff. But I bought a red one for a friend who loves red and that is one beautiful and red shade of red. It is the color of a Valentine.

Well, I have gone on and on and on about the Lands' End small, zip-top tote. I have not posted anything for a few days so I guess these words have been all pent up.

So anyway, if you have managed to read this far without snoozing and if you have an iPad that needs toting, here is the link to the perfect fit....

Boomer (not sent from my iPad which is all tucked inside its tote)

Last edited by Boomer; 02-10-2011 at 08:11 AM.