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Old 02-19-2011, 09:12 PM
Posts: n/a

Not at all. They provide a very important and valuable service teaching our children. least in Wisconsin, it's time teachers start paying there fair share for health care benefits and retirement. And...local school districts should be able to get rid of teachers that aren't performing their jobs! Can't do that with the union!

Wisconsin is running a deficit -paying out millions more than it takes in via taxes - and doesn't have any more money. They interviewed several teachers on the news and all they kept spewing was the union line - more taxes for the top 2% income earners. These are educated people who can't think for themselves.

I'm not a teacher basher and several of my friends children are teachers. They got into teaching for their love of kids but also because of the great benefits, retirement plan, and summers off! They've told me that!