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Old 02-23-2011, 09:12 AM
Ohiogirl Ohiogirl is offline
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Default let's see

Is typing fast a talent? No - maybe a skill (I think that's why I post so much) - I type fast - also send really, really long emails to my sisters and kids. I don't think my kids read them all, but my sisters also type fast, so - good way to keep in touch. In detail.

Otherwise, I'm just a dabbler, like racket sports, golf, thrift-shopping (I'm really good at that), knitting, sewing, quilting - but I'm not great at any of them (except the thrift shopping .

I think I was a good Mom - at least I think I have great kids, but sometimes that's just dumb luck. Fun to see your children raise their children, though, especially when you see yourself in your daughter. Never used to think we were that much alike!

Ohioboy, however, is a very fine cornet/trumpet player. Just an avocation, was never a profession, although he started out as a music major in college. He never quit playing. I'm a little jealous sometimes; think it would be great to have a real passion for something, especially in retirement.