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Old 02-25-2011, 03:12 PM
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Default Cognitive dissonannce

I have been following this thread. Again, as yesterday, I say this issue of illegal immigration is not an easy one and has me conflicted. Those adversely against want to deport them all back to their native lands. Those proponents want to treat them like citizens. Both of these ideas are wrong because they ignore the reality of the situation and when you do that it works against you. Because of logistics, cost, motives, profits etc. working this situation is going to take some doing. First we have jobs in this country Americans won't do even if you paid them more than mimimum wage. Secondly you have some profiteers (ie employers) who have ignored the I-9 program from it inception in the 1980's. then you have those illegals who have been here for so long that their children have only known america as their home.

I am not a bleeding heart liberal, in fact conservative and one who believes that a person has to carry their own water, which to my knowledge is what these landscape workers have been doing in and around TV. But to suggest with one swipe of a pen that all illegals will be deported may have not looked beyond that point to imagine how this will be carried out. Heck look at how we are treating terrorist and they keep saying let me out and I will try and blow you up again. So again I ask " Does anyone have a win/win plan? And let me add that your plan has to be able to work around the political climate. Because unless you can offer a plan where "what's in it for me" those with the power will not move. this is my view but I am open to other views that may alter my opinion concerning this issue