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Old 03-01-2011, 09:17 AM
Posts: n/a
Default And my favorite pitch on the subject is, any meaningful

actions taken to increase domestic capacity whether it is for new drilling or new refineries or nuclear power or sun or wind....ALL will take from 5-10 years to have a meaningful impact. An interruption of the oil supply from the middle east will affect us the day it happens.
It takes leadership, planning and accountability to actually commit and do something. Hence the reason nothing gets done in Washington.

Taking the lead and stepping up to the plate and doing what has to be done runs the risk of potentially alienating a special interest voting block.

Obama and the representatives prefer to fight the fire when they can see the flame and feel the heat. They would not know prevention if it hit them in the face.

We can only hope something gets approved on his watch to at least show we are heading in the direction of oil independence. But then again he would not want to offend those who currently supply us our oil...hence Obama and Washington....DO NOTHING!!

If it takes $5 per gallon gas to get some attention, then bring it on sooner than later.
