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Old 03-03-2011, 09:38 PM
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Well I bought one for my yappy poodle. She is VERY verbal about any little thing, but especially if she sees something irritating, like a leaf fall, a bug walk by, the clouds moving in the sky, a song she doesn't like playing on the radio . . . you get the picture. I tried it on her today while there was a worker in the back yard of our CYV. Usually, I have to put her in a back bedroom with the televison on because she goes beserk when workers are in the yard.

Today, with the Thundershirt on, she watched him out of the slider window for a while (no barking, well, one bark) and then took a nap on the bed while he proceeded to make all kinds of noise.

The shirt works. Who knew?

Reminds me of that movie I recommended you all to see, "Temple Grandin".