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Old 03-05-2011, 11:51 AM
Posts: n/a

The real issue of HS rail is that to be more than just another
political bragging point and gain for special interests, it needs a national plan.
Some of us remember when there were no interstates. Well that is where we are on HS rail. A real HS rail system, that brings convenience, new jobs and reduced dependence on imported has to be a national plan with each state doing it's piece. Then some day 5-10-15-20 years down the road we would have something of value that in fact accomplishes it's objectives.
Unfortunately America just does not have the leadership any more to think, commit, act and follow through to accomplishment as we did so very well in the past.

It is not a partisan issue. It is a political issue supported by the entrenched business as usual in Washington...regardless who is in office. For the past 30 years Washington has not demonstrated any ability to do ANYTHING long term that solves our nation's ability to maintain it's standard of excellence in the world. They are very much like the 30-60 minute instant gratification episode oriented like one is entertained by on television.

Just pick any of the major issues facing the = exploration and product development = slowed to a crawl..
energy independence = zero stability/deficit reduction = zero intent/accomplishment....just to name a few.
None of these have to do with the politicians individual needs therefore they are not a priority.
And as we did in November 2010 and as VK, myself and others have not vote for ANY incumbent. Our status domestically or world wide is not a partisan is individual politicians serving themselves.
