Thread: High Speed Rail
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Old 03-06-2011, 09:01 PM
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Originally Posted by billethkid View Post
poitical bragging point and gain for special interests, it needs a national plan.
Some of us remember when there were no interstates. Well that is where we are on HS rail. You want a real HS rail system, that brings convenience, new jobs and reduced dependence on imported has to be a national plan with each state doing it's piece. Then some day 5-10-15-20 years down the road we would have something of value that in fact accomplishes it's objectives.
Unfortunately America just does not have the leadership any more to think, commit, act and follow through to accomplishment as we di so very well in the past.

It is not a partisan issue. It is a political issue supported by the entrenched business as usual in Washington...regardless who is in office.

I agree. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Problem is, there is no larger plan for the thousand(s) mile journey. Cross-country high-speed rail with supporting infrastructure would be of great long-term value, as was our cross-country interstate system. It would indeed promote convenience, create jobs, increase travel and tourism throughout the country and facilitate (upward) mobility.

It also ain't gonna happen. Europe can accomplish HS rail throughout the continent. We cannot accomplish it just within just the United States. We lack the will, the vision and the political leadership. At this point, we lack the financial wherewithal. It's sad to ponder the great USA falling behind.