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Old 03-11-2011, 06:28 PM
Posts: n/a

I'm happy with the amount of discussion this post generated.

Being in Wisconsin, I got to see first hand the disgusting behavior of the democratic senators who fled the state; the teachers who called in sick so they could protest in Madison; the doctors writing excuses to teachers protesting without any exam; and the unruly out-of-state union goons who were only there to cause trouble!

Governor Walker's "Budget Repair Bill" and his two year budget go hand-in-hand. Significant cuts will be required by all government entities and school boards due to less aid from the federal and state government. By removing collective bargaining, Governor Walker has given these munincipalities and school boards the tools to help control costs and truly negotiate benefits and wages.

Several school boards rushed to negotiate "sweetheart" deals with their unions before the bill could be voted on and passed. The City of Green Bay negotiated an "emeritus" agreement with retired teachers where, if they work ten days days a year for three years, they will receive one years pay! Thirty days of work for a years salary! The City of Madison passed an even better deal for their teachers but you don't even have to work an hour! Unbelievable! These are extreme example but they happened because greedy unions and irresponsible school boards, working together, tried to beat Governor Walker's bill! And who pays for this - the taxpayers!

I just hope people really see what happened in Wisconsin and see the greed and corruption of the public unions.

Finally, the national Democrats have sent all their heavy hitters into Wisconsin to work on recall efforts of the Republican senators that voted to pass the bill. Any idea who is orchestrating this?

Stay tuned. The circus has NOT left the state yet!