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Old 03-11-2011, 11:23 PM
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Originally Posted by uujudy View Post
I seem to have this happen with every hairdresser! The first time is great. The second time is OK. The third time is not so great. Do they get bored with my hair? Do I chatter too much while I'm in the chair? Do I not chatter enough? I'm on the 5th haircut from my *new* hairdresser, and I finally got through to him that I don't want wispy strings of hair hanging down my neck in back, but the first haircut with him was the only time he seemed to understand "slanty" bangs. I keep up my mantra of slanty bangs, slanty bangs... when I'm in the chair, but I came home with the thick, straight across bangs I had when I was 5 years old. He brushed them to the side and said, "There! They're slanty!" Unfortunately, when I got home I used the manicure scissors to try to fix them. Now I have to stay in the house or wear a hat for a few weeks.

(This is on topic because I used to go to Victoria when she was closer to my house.)
Oh yes, I can relate as I've experienced the very same. I think that they listen the very first time and recurring appts they don't pay attention to one's unique choices of style and are chatting too much to everyone in the shop that they don't concentrate on the requested styling at all. This unfortunately happened with Victoria as well.

I think that I may either try the hairdressing school or Wal-Mart's salon on Rte 466 and pay the lesser price and work with them. I don't mind paying a higher price if I am pleased with the end results, but it's a losing battle.

I'm with you uujudy that I don't want short blunt-cut bangs, but want the swept shaggy-cut bangs that are not too short!!!
Lexington MA, Chelmsford MA, Nashua NH, The Villages, Florida

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