Thread: ACT for America
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Old 03-13-2011, 07:37 AM
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Originally Posted by nitakk View Post
I am far more fearful of other extremists who live right here in this country - the Christian far-right who want their religion legislated. I am scared to death they want to take away my future grandaughter's right to chose, make her pray in school, teach her "creationism" as a scientific fact and ban her from marriage if she is a lesbian. These are the people I fear and see as the downfall of America - the Michelle Bachmanns, Ann Coulters and the ever-wacky Glenn Beck.
Sure, there are radical Muslims, but the change you see happening in the Middle East is the beginning of a new world there. Women are seeing that they, too, can be equal and pursue their fulfillment. The young people are getting "westernized" and want a new system of government that includes the people. Radicals of any religion will always be there and Christians have certainly been a large part of that in the past. Before we get too holier than thou, remember how many people have been killed in the name of Christianity.
It's videos like this that keep the radicals supplied with recruits and the fear and hatred it breeds fortifies their resolve against us.
When I was very young and very much interested in science, at the age of 12 I wrote a letter to the Columbus Dispatch about Darwins Theory of Evolution and how it was clear to me that it was science and a very understandable scientific theory. All hell broke out in my personal life as my stepmother was embarrassed and enraged over my ....lack of morality and I heard a lot of things about "if you want to believe you descended from monkeys etc."

I lived with my grandparents and didn't know that my stepmother felt differently about this, which I soon learned was a HUGE issue.

At that time evolution was taught as a theory in public school.

I still believe in evolution and have even claimed monkeys as my ancestors, but I have learned that most of the people who don't see it that way are decent, loving, responsible, sincere and caring people whose religion teaches a different hypothesis.

We can't change the way people think. We can choose how we behave toward them if they don't agree with us.

I don't know what the wisdom is here, but I am really conservative on a lot of things. Just me and my monkeys still hold forth. You don't read much about monkeys beheading anyone.

P.S. I know in my heart who instilled life in the first one celled organism. (Who is way back on my mothers side.) I traced it in