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Old 03-28-2011, 06:28 PM
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I do not agree with the original poster's rant.

By his own account, he would have needed, and he expected, numerous departments of TV to be available to his committee for planning and support. By his own account, he expected TV to make many of arrangements and to plan at least the fund-raising and "name" concert events. He made no mention of plans to pay for any of this. By his own admission, there were "other alternate proposal forthcoming from The Developer". By his own admission, "on every solemn occassion, ie. Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and other fitting days a moving and fitting ceremony has been held at the Developer donated Veterans Memorial Park."

Yet he insinuated that Mark Morse is indifferent to veterans.

So, I believe that criticisms he has received for the content of his post have been well deserved. But criticizing his right to post it merely because it was his first post-- no way.

He only told one side of the story and many of us felt he did not substantiate his harsh criticisms. Many of us have said so. This is a discussion board and expressing our opinions on such things is what we do. Would his exact same post have been any more or less deserving of rebuke or praise had he posted three times before or three thousand?

Would the exact same post by me pass muster, even though it be one-sided and not well substantiated, merely because I'm a regular contributor? No Way.