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Old 03-29-2011, 12:40 PM
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Originally Posted by jgbama View Post
We currently have 4 dogs! One things owners forget, especially in public places, is some dogs behave differently and people don't know the temperament of their pet. As a result, most people are very skittish about strange dogs. I know I am, especially when we are down and go to the squares. Example, our son was on the sofa petting one of our pomeranians and had his head low and out of the blue the dog bit him on the mouth - 3 stitches!. He is a well behaved, loving and friendly pet of 11 years. So that is why I'm a little skittish.

So, bottom line - I love dogs, but go to the squares to dance and have a cool one!!!

Just my - 2 cents!
Because this is highly unusual behavior for this pet, please take your dog to the vet and have the dog's ears checked for an infection. Also have the dog's teeth checked for an impacted tooth or other painful dental problems. Many times, pain in or around the head will cause an otherwise mellow and peaceful dog to react just that way.