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Old 04-06-2011, 02:32 PM
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Originally Posted by JimJoe View Post
They have blame because they campaigned that this time they would be different.. no more Rhinos.. but the old time Reps are Rhinos and will try every chance they get to go back to their old ways.. (Boehner whine whine whine .. we only have on half of one third of the gov)
.... and the tea party people are not going to take it anymore. If you do not want the job, get out of the way.
This might be blame, in your eyes, because the proposed budget doesn't have actual cuts but only reduces the spending.

This does not answer the question on why the Republicans would have any blame for a government shutdown. If the Democrats are screaming bloody murder about a decrease in spending, don't you think they'd have apoplectic fits about real cuts. It's still totally their blame for the shutdown.