Thread: Leesburg Cop
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Old 04-10-2011, 12:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Uptown Girl View Post
Dear Rubicon,
I understand that this upset you and your bride, nobody enjoys driving in that state. With all due respect, it indeed may have happened because you were planted in the left lane. Please remember, that lane is primarily for passing and/or getting in line to make a left hand turn.
To travel along in the left hand lane without doing either of those things can really screw others up who are traveling behind you, especially at traffic lights with a left-hand turning lane. And certainly if your vehicle is a larger one.
The officer could have pulled you over (instead of dogging you) and explained that as a courtesy, but that probably would have shaken you a bit. As most people's instinct is to move to the right lane when a police car is behind them, he may have given you a few blocks to do that.
I assume he gave up and went his way.
Probably not the best way it could be handled, but better than here in Chicago where the officer pulls along side and loudly orders drivers to stop sailing the left hand lane.
For what it's worth....
This sounds right to me.