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Old 04-13-2011, 09:16 AM
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Originally Posted by djplong View Post
There's certainly nothing wring with being patriotic - they're just in WAY over their heads. What's worse is that their ignorance gets ignored by their fan base - much in the way that Obama's inexperience was largely glossed over.

I mean, if you really look at Palin's record, it's not that impressive because being mayor of Wasilla and governor of Alaska are, comparatively speaking EASY jobs. Governing Massachusetts is FAR more difficult than governing Alaska, which is why Romney gets more respect from me than Palin.

That's where I have the mental disconnect. Palin, Bachman and Trump getting the press. Pawlenty is, technically speaking, the front-runner (in that he's the only actually DECLARED candidate) and Romney is mostly ignored - though he's run before and is most likely to run again.

The difference is these "ignorant" people who are "way over their heads" are saying things the party faithful relate to, and would like to hear your "front-runners" articulate. Who cares if Bachman get a inconsequential history fact wrong. She'd like to dump a cold bucket of whoop-a** on Obama's head, and we'd like to see her do it. We're tired of these "front-runners" going along to get along attitude and their willingness to compromise principles.

Screw compromise; people want someone with a will strong enough to take these progressives on, beat them, and give them a big kick in the backside on their way out the door.

That's why Trump, Palin and Bachman are connecting with the base. The Republican RINO leadership better be paying attention, because this latest capitulation to Obama just got everyone madder than ever.