Thread: Leesburg Cop
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Old 04-13-2011, 02:27 PM
rubicon rubicon is offline
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Default Leesburg cop

If I had intended a social experiment I could not have picked a better title. never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine my original post would have gotten seven pages of chatter. In fact when keyboarding the original post I just envisioned my thoughts being disappearing into space. Certainly my emotions regarding this even went that way.

Chief X thank you I was not being critical of copS only the action of one cop that caught me on a bad day. Nor was i implying that the copy was after me. In fact that was the only reason I referenced my vehicle. While I understnad the nature and benefits of profiling I also understand that people can also be blindsided by that process . It was also interesting to see how certain words had different meanings and created different reactions from people reading the same post. for example a politician can get bad reaction from me if he refers to social security and medicare as entitlement programs since i was forced into both programs with payroll deductions. In fact when I ask politician when they use entitlement to mean yhat you sir mean that you are entitled to raid these programs to fund your pet projects.

So once again if I have upset anyone mea culpa. As far as this thread goes I will now run silent and run deep.