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Old 04-14-2011, 08:41 PM
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Default Disagree...Again

Originally Posted by BlueHeronFan View Post
Do not forget the 6 month ban on any new drilling in the US. That is one direct cause of some of the increase cost....Yes, Obama is directly the cause of some of the gas/oil increase. He wants it that way, as just another part of his central government plan. He can't help it. It's in his Marxist blood.
I'm surely not defending the POTUS, but the six month ban on drilling has has absolutely nothing to do with the increase in gas prices.

Think about it as the head of a U.S. oil company might. If they can make just as much money by simply buying the oil from the Canadians, the Brits, the Saudis or other Middle Eastern countries, why would they want to go to the trouble of buying all the equipment, hiring all the people and taking all the risks associated with exploring and drilling for oil here in the U.S.?

In the Middle East, where you can basically stick a straw in the ground and get oil, the cost of a barrel of oil is quite cheap - some estimates have it at $5 per barrel. When you have to use more complicated extraction procedures, like for oil shale, tar sands, or drilling in northern Alaska then piping it to Valdez to put it on ships to take it to refineries in Texas or Aruba, oil can cost quite a bit more--more than the current price of over $100 per barrel. In many cases, it is not economically feasible to extract oil in the U.S. compared to the cost of buying it from the Middle East.

So how you twist the situation to place the blame on the POTUS, and even further to associate it with Marxism is kind of amazing to me. I'd appreciate a little analytical support to your allegations. Yes, I'd appreciate it, but I surely don't expect it.