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Old 04-25-2011, 04:44 PM
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Originally Posted by rubicon View Post
Xavier I believe you are taking this just too personal. I'm OK you're OK. Richielion probably freightened you with his prediction of Obama's 2012 defeat.
I don't think so. You see, I don't know who I will be voting for in 2012 yet. I don't know who is running yet. I have NEVER voted the party line on anything. I vote for the person who I think will do the best job, but I prefer to use accurate information when I'm making that decision. Right now, Obama is my President, and yours too - we can only have one. Based on what reliable information I have, I support my President. That does not mean that I agree with everything he proposes or promotes. I'm not a lemming. I have no use for unsupported blanket statements like, "He's ruining our country", "He wasn't born in this country," etc. I'm pretty sure he's well educated, not a criminal and is black. I have little tolerance for links or arguments that are presented to demean our President when in fact they do not show that he is somehow responsible. I believe that like most recent Presidents, Obama uses a teleprompter. I think it's good that he knows how to do that. Not all of the recent candidates or occupants of the White House had that particular talent. It makes him look good in that he doesn't talk in circles.

So you see unsupported generalities upset me a bit and reliable facts make me really happy - and it doesn't matter on which side they come down.
