Thread: Family Pools
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Old 04-26-2011, 10:17 PM
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Originally Posted by shrandell View Post
My family similarly had an unpleasant experience this Sunday at Fishhawk family pool. Baby toys were taken from toddlers by the guard (the "no toy rule", despite there being no such rule posted at the pool). I understand now, that rules are listed elsewhere. My disappointment was additionally aimed at the only family in the pool who complained to the guard. Prior to this family's arrival, the other 61 of us had watched children happily playing with their harmless pool toys (and I mean FOAM toys, or baloon like beach balls) This one family gathered in a corner of the pool, and vocally decided things were not to THEIR liking. We had observed the most senior lady of the group, apparently being very fearful of splashing. (new hair do). Perhaps that family would have been happier in the adult pool, where presumably there would be no splashing. Not content to glower at the children (in a childrens' pool no less), they issued a formal complaint. We then heard the relief attendant, declare "well, I like a challenge" That apparently appeased them, because they left the pool..... My 14 year old grand-daughter's comment, "Well, this is not my idea of America's friendliest home town".... out of the mouths of babes..... We have since officially complained over the way the entire fracas was handled. Not so happy grandma.
Were the toys really "taken" from the toddlers in the sense they were removed from their hands or physically removed from the pool??? Or were the parents asked to not put them in the pool.