Thread: Family Pools
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Old 04-27-2011, 10:26 AM
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Originally Posted by memason View Post
What's ironic, is that the only ones who complain about the rules are the adults! I took my Grandkids [ages 9 and 5] to the pool and they were promptly told they could not take the pool toys into the pool. So, they [Grandkids] put the toys back in the bag, popped on their goggles and had a great time in the pool. The only ones, who were "mildly" upset by the rules, were my Son and DIL.... They got over it pretty quickly, but they did grumble a little.

Bottomline: Kids don't care. They are the ones most affected by the rules and they couldn't care less. They just want to spend time with you.
Great post and so correct IMO.

Remember when we were kids and our parents said we couldn't get to the ballpark or something. What did we do? We rolled a few pair of old socks together and played something we called sockball. Just use your arm as a bat and the socks as the ball. You could play in the street or the driveway and have all the fun you could handle. I'm sure many of you did as well.

Kids will find a way to have fun.