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Old 04-29-2011, 10:13 AM
ilovetv ilovetv is offline
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Default It's an ALERT to occupants & neighbors to call for help!

Regarding this: "there is nothing more frightening than an alarm system going off in the middle of the night because of a malfunction."

There ARE things far more frightening as talk host said, and as Dr. Wm. Petit of CT can attest...who is brutally widowed from the home invasion in which his wife and daughters were were raped, murdered and burned.

And, when our own or a neighbor's alarm goes off in the night, for real or for some wrong reason, it is a wake-up call to DO something!

If it is the neighbor's house, most people would think calling 911 is the right thing to do....instead of lying there resenting the neighbor and thinking "oh, how annoying and inconvenient to me.....that darn neighbor is interrupting MY sleep I need because I'm retired and don't have to get up for work anymore".

When we have heard a neighbor's alarm go off, we try to contact them wherever they are. To me, that's what most people in TV would do, without resenting the homeowner for having a system.

And by the way...with the perimeter armed and motion sensors off while we're sleeping, I can't think of one time when our system sounded the alarm because of a malfunction, and we have a dog that is free to go about.

I appreciate hearing my neighbor's alarm going off. It tells me they need help and we could be next!