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Old 05-12-2011, 06:32 PM
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redwitch redwitch is offline
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I've never understood the media hype about cases like this. News that a child is missing, yes. News that the body has been found and an arrest made, yes. The continuous, non-stop assault, NO. How can anyone get a fair trial with coverage like this?

Personally, I still think the death was accidental. My theory (and it is strictly a theory) is that Casey chlorofomred her daughter so she could go out. The duct tape was probably put on to keep the toddler quiet until she fell completely asleep. Sadly, too much chloroform was given, the little one died and Casey panicked. Ugly, yes. Tragic, most definitely. Murder warranting the death penalty, I don't think so. The prosecutor may regret hanging everything on first degree murder - barring public/juror outrage, it may be hard to prove this was deliberate.

In the meantime, several fortunes are being spent to try this case. Money that could be used to help other children, people in need. Thiis makes me very angry. If the media had let the case drop, this case would cost half of what it is costing and there would be no need to go to several counties to find jurors.
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