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Old 05-12-2011, 11:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Tbugs View Post
I really do not think a President can repeal a law with a stroke of his pen. He could have it introduced in the House of Representatives (through one of his party) and it could advance to the Senate for a vote. If the required percentage (3/4, I believe) voted in favor of the repeal, it would be sent to the President for his signature.

This would take a whole lot of debate in both the House and Senate. The American public would see once again how Republicans are against healthcare for the elderly, the poor, the young, and the middle class. The losers would be Republicans.

So, in the unlikely event an intelligent Republican gets to be President, I do not think we have to worry about Affordable Healthcare being repealed.

All the political puffery is just that - it is POLITICAL PUFFERY.
It would be so much easier to understand if you would read the article, Bugs. Romney says he is going to issue executive orders allowing each state to individually "opt out"; in other words "to be granted waivers". The same waivers that your exalted ruler granted to all his union friends. That would take care of the problem immediately. He then would work with Congress and the Senate to repeal this immensely unpopular legislation.

America doesn't want this no matter how you try so hard to spin it.