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Old 05-16-2011, 03:41 PM
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Originally Posted by rubicon View Post
Newt backs Obama individual mandate that everyone carry health insurance OUCH! This intellect has intellectualize himself into stupidity. Newt please go do lectures, write books but stay out of politics becuase you keep mixing up agendas
Newt has killed his chances for the Republican nomination. Just last month he was praising Paul Ryan's budget and now he's slamming him, and before that he released a video on YouTube where he said he was categorically opposed to individual mandates, and now he's advocating them, even if he's saying his proposals differ somewhat from Obama's

Worse yet, he's just made Rep. Ryan's and the Republican's battle for the new budget harder by giving the Democrats talking points ammunition. He said that he's just as opposed to "right wing social engineering" as he is to "left wing social engineering". Way to go Newt!!.

Hard to explain this. His friends are already backing away from him. I had high hopes for Newt. What a disappointment.