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Old 05-16-2011, 04:49 PM
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Default In The Middle Maybe?

Originally Posted by RichieLion View Post
...Obama wants to change this country into something none of us will recognize as America and I do not wish him to succeed. I would be crazy if I did....
Richie, I'll begin by saying, as I have several times before, that personally I'm a fiscal conservative with left leanings on social issues. I guess that puts me somewhere in the middle of the spectrum of political idealogy.

But if you so vehemently disagree with what the current POTUS stands for, do you think it's reasonable that there might be others who might feel similarly about what some of the GOP candidates are saying they stand for? Would you be offended if I said that people like Michelle Bachmann, Jim deMint, Rick Perry and even Sarah Palin scare and offend me as much as President Obama does you? Would you take offense if I said I believe that any of them, if elected to POTUS, would likely try to take the country to a place I don't want to go either?

At the end of the day, Richie, I think what's best for the country very likely lies somewhere in the middle of the political spectrum. In a place where the distance between idealogical beliefs is close enough that maybe some agreement can be reached by those elected to represent us which will benefit all Americans. Maybe we can all get close enough to the middle that all of us who elect those representatives might agree on the direction that America needs to go, giving and taking in the legislative process in a way we'd all like our democracy to work.