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Old 05-28-2011, 02:05 AM
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Default Saying 'No' Means Do Nothing!


You have carefully constructed a straw man with your assertion that supporting the Ryan plan means that you support killing Medicare in ten years and that no means you mean to keep Medicare. Nothing could line up better with the BS talking points of the Democratic Party.

First, the Ryan plan is the ONLY plan on the table that addresses how to keep Medicare. The Democrats have NO plan but keep screaming that the Republicans want to kill Medicare. Following the do nothing idea of the Democrats will destroy Medicare. It may help them retain seats in Congress at the cost of bankrupting this country. The Democrats seem to believe this is a good deal (at least for them).

You list a series of major changes that you feel are needed. In this way you show that you buy into the Ryan plan. You may want changes to the plan, but agree that Medicare as we know it cannot continue. Does this mean you are voting ‘Yes’ and want to kill Medicare or voting ‘No’ and want to keep Medicare as it is?

Your posing of a question equal to, “Have you stopped beating your wife? Answer yes or no.” seems to support the idea that is being put forward by Democrats that the mean old Republicans that will kill Granny unless you vote to keep them out of office.

Where do I stand? I support the Ryan plan in the absence of anything else. Obamacare does nothing to reform Medicare except to cut its budget – that doesn’t work. Ryan’s plan does work to maintain Medicare, albeit in a less generous form than today. Until there is something better available, I will support Congressman Ryan.

BTW, Have you stopped beating your wife yet? Yes or no. Oh, I’m sorry. I just noticed your vote was ‘No.’ Please tell her that she needs to do something about her plight before she’s dead. This nation needs to do something about Medicare before it’s dead. Just say No doesn’t cut it.