Thread: Sanibel
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Old 05-28-2011, 08:13 AM
gmcneill gmcneill is offline
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I was there last week.

At about 7pm, we drove into the development but were stopped by a TV staff guard at the entry gate . He stated that the area was open only from 6A to 6P.

I went back the next morning: the gate was not staffed; I drove around some of the area w/out problem or hassle. Other parts of the area were closed construction zones.

The undercover Sumter Co. deputy driving an unmarked truck who stopped mrfixit is there to prevent three primary situations:

1. theft! - no insinuation of anything personal against mrfixit - which is a serious issue for any contruction project but even more so in this economy. Construction sites provide a cache of valuables: contractor/subcontractor tools, equipment, supplies, wiring, irrigation heads, etc; while under-construction houses are wide-open, unsecured targets for items such as doors, tile, fixtures...
It is quick and easy opportunity for any villager or non-villager to grab some "stuff", toss it into a car trunk, a truck bed, or a van, and go.

2. injury to us "explorers"

3. damage to vehicles and tires by rolling over construction debris or running into whatever or driving over nails/screws