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Old 05-28-2011, 06:04 PM
Posts: n/a

It used to be that Conservatives would rail at Democrats insisting that they look at the results of the programs they started to see if there were actually RESULTS instead of only good intentions.

Welfare was good intentions gone horribly wrong. We all know the saying of what the road to hell is paved with.

What about Medicare/Medicaid? Well, something I heard about a year or two ago, and I'm going to have to try and find something to back it up, was that *if* you lived long enough to qualify for Medicare/Medicaid, THEN you were in the catbird seat as your quality of health care would go up DRAMATICALLY. In other words, the average 65-year-old had a lot to look forward to if they could jsut GET to that point.

It's kind of like how Social Security has all but eliminated abject poverty in senior citizens.

I grant you - the system needs fixing, but you CAN fix things without destroying them (though it's easier to just tear everything down).