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Old 05-29-2011, 10:17 AM
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Default Hi VG

I feel your frustration and Rich Nugent's, what a Catch 22, and electing new representatives doesn't seem to be the answer because every congressman has his/her OWN agenda and lobbyist.....

Originally Posted by Villages Kahuna View Post
Sadly, when our freshman Congressman, Rich Nugent, had a town hall meeting at Laurel Maonor Rec Center a month or so ago, he expressed deep frustration with the Congress he is now a part of compared to what he expected. He expressed frustration with the control that the party organizations have over the membership and most importantly, that the left and the right aren't even talking to one another about critical issues like the debt ceiling, the budget (we don't have one), spending cuts and entitlement changes. He related stories of committee meetings he's attended where the exchanges between the Republicans and the Democrats are little more than the types of soundbites you see on TV or on the Sunday talk shows. He explained that everyone in the Congress knows how critical our financial situation really is, and how imminently really major changes will have to happen. But the members on the ideological left and right seem willing to run the country right off the financial cliff and aren't even talking about what changes could be made that might satisfy both sides. He described a complete and total stalemate on fiscal issues.

The wise men who designed our system of government are rolling over in their graves!