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Old 06-05-2011, 05:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Bill-n-Brillo View Post I did the other day (forgot it was in my swim shorts' pocket when I hopped in the pool - I HATE it when that happens!), here's the fix:

- Drain, shake, whatever the excess water from the drowned phone. Don't forget to pop caps/covers off of any ports or jack connections, too.

- Towel dry exterior.

- Pop back of the case off and remove battery, SIM card, etc. - anything that's intended for the user to be able to remove.

- Fill a small ziploc bag nearly full with dry, uncooked rice.

- Insert said gurgling phone into the ziploc bag, seal it up........then wait for a day or two or three.

A friend suggested I do this as it resolved his wife's similar phone issue. I thought, "There's no way in the world this is going to work". I was in the pool floating around for more than just a few minutes when I realized my lapse in memory/stupidity. The displays were messed up from water getting inside them, I couldn't get the phone to come on, etc. But the logic made sense - that's why you'll sometimes see a few grains of rice in some restaurant salt shakers......the rice absorbs moisture very well. Sandy felt it was worth a try so we bought some rice to give it a shot. I figured the phone had to be toast, though!

"Au contraire, mon frere"! Two days of the phone in the "rice bag"......and it's back to normal!! Unbelievable! I would've lost money on the bet.

So if it ever happens to you, give the rice-and-the-ziploc-bag thing a try!

I did almost the same thing - jumped right into the spa. NOT MY FAULT! Who in their right mind would put pockets in a swim suit? Anyway, did a similar routine - popped the battery, turned a hair dryer on it for a bit, and found it still didn't work. Reached in the desk drawer and pulled out an old phone, called Verizon and activated it with my cell number. Threw the wet phone in the drawer. After a trip north, came home, opened the drawer, put the battery in the phone and it worked just fine. Reactivated it and it worked perfectly until I got a new phone about 18 months later. I'll try the rice next time - makes sense.

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