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Old 06-06-2011, 10:37 AM
Posts: n/a


Let me clarify "Public Service." What I ment by that is elected Public Service. I am leary of anyone who will spend 20 million dollars, every 6 years, for a job that pays 170K a year for 6 years. They are owned by who ever put up the most money to get them elected. They are not serving us, they are the servants to those that own them.

BTW, do you have car insurance? Do you plan on getting in a wreck so that you can use it. I have car insurance and hope that I never have to use it. I am legal to carry my firearm in all 50 states (HR 218) or is it 58 as our current President stated in a speech not to long ago. I would rather have it and never need it, than not have it and need it.

The State of Florida Concealed law does not state that you have to carry a firearm, you can carry mase, taser or a firearm. They did their law correctly.

Please look up the web site that I referrenced. It is very educational and explains a lot about people control, not gun control.