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Old 06-07-2011, 11:31 AM
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Originally Posted by jebartle View Post
This is one Congressional "Hot Dog", that turned out to be "Dog poop"..He needs to leave!
Good one! LOL He showed very poor judgement in his behavior with these women and very poor character in his initial denials and lying to his wife. This double whammy pretty much ends it all for him. Is my memory failing or has there ever been a woman politician who does the kind of things these men do? BOTH parties, sleeze is equal opportunity destroyer. The lying almost bothers me more. Lying and being hypocritical REALLY bother me. Old Newtie cheating on his wife while leading the assault on Clinton for the same thing? Jessie Jackson being Clinton's spirtual advisor while he had just fathered an out of wedlock child? Like I said...both parties have their share of low lifes.